Blizzard Bag 2

Happy Blizzard Bag Day 1/17/18


1. Practice saying your responses on cahier p.11.  I will ask you all of these questions on Friday for your last speaking assessment.

2. Go to the Flipgrid tab and sign in (password is: garryfrench1)
Select a classmate's video of  your choice and respond back to their question.

3. Work on your Character Bio planning sheet by filling in the blanks for numbers 1-14.  Remember to add as much detail as you can by reviewing all vocabulary from the last 5 units. If you were absent on Tuesday and did not receive the handout, please click on the link below and start a google doc to compose (or write on a separate piece of paper) your sentences for numbers 1-14.

4. Start a sketch of your character on a scrap piece of paper.  You will need to use white card stock for this project, which I will hand out to you on Thursday. This is just to get you brainstorming on ideas of how to illustrate your character.

The character bio (sentences printed out and drawing) will be due on Tuesday January 23. Remember this will count as the written portion of your final exam and is worth 50 points!


Happy Blizzard Bag Day #2!

Please practice most recent vocabulary list on the Quizlet tab.  Click on the audio button, listen and repeat words, do this twice.  Next, take a self test using at least 20 words. (30 minutes)

Write a sentence in FRENCH using 10 vocabulary words from the most recent vocabulary list.  
Create a google doc for your sentences and share it with me.

*OPTION: Instead of writing sentences in STEP TWO, draw a picture for 10 French vocabulary words on a separate piece of paper and be prepared to share it with the class. (30 minutes)

Any questions please email Mrs. Garry at

Bonne journée!

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